Foundry models
Polish company operating in the foundry industry
We offer creation of professional casting models made of wood, waterproof plywood, resins (casted) and plastics (Lab), as well as other speciality materials that ensure models’ longevity. We produce models to 3500mm in diameter and 6000mm in length, as well as very small sets of model.
Model sets are produced for both hand and machine moulding (we are able to adjust dimensions of mould bases and cassettes to foundry needs) TechniCast pattern shop produces foundry instrumentations with accordance to the Polish standard PN-EN 12890:2002.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us
Our employees will gladly present the full offer and provide detailed information on the services offered, as well as advise on the selection of the optimal solution.
Office TechniCast
ul. Cała 2A
Piotrków Trybunalski
NIP: 771-115-85-90
Production plant
ul. Cała 2A
Piotrków Trybunalski
tel. +48 44 648 49 60
kom. +48 885 915 455